First Tuesday Drinks
You are most welcome to join us. Just send us an e-mail to secretary@anglobelgiansociety.com so that we look out for you.
The event is held on a Tuesday, quarterly and in collaboration with the Belgian-Luxemburg Chamber of Commerce. We often invite a guest of honour who links our countries in some way. Senior representatives from the Belgian and Luxemburg Embassies frequently attend. The occasion creates a unique opportunity to network with the wider Anglo-Belgian community and to meet interesting people from a variety of backgrounds. You can check dates and details on the BLCC website.
First Tuesdays start at 18.30 with a cash-bar. Should you wish to carry on the evening at the same location, Boyds' Brasserie offers a 15% discount to ABS members.
While First Tuesday drinks are open to non-members, we would expect people to join the Society after attending one First Tuesday drinks.
Other Events
The calendar of other social, cultural, and sporting activities (such as the Annual Dinner, the Summer Party or Ball, and the ceremonies at Westminster Abbey and the Cenotaph) is accessible to Society members by signing in to the Members Area.